Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Legislative Changes to Texas Title Insurance: Title Insurance Companies Can Now Charge for Electronic Filing Fees

H.B. 3073 alleviates a statutory uncertainty, allowing title insurance companies to charge for the actual, or reasonably estimated, cost of electronic filing fees by changing Tex. Ins. Code § 2501.008.
There has been some debate within the title insurance community whether or not electronic filing fees could be passed down to the consumer as a separate charge from the title insurance premium. Because of the potential inability to pass the cost on to the consumer, many title companies have been reluctant to adopt electronic filing of real estate documents.
Electronic filing of real estate documents provides a benefit to all parties involved: the county clerks, the consumer and the title companies. The county clerks, should they have an electronic filing system, benefit from “more immediate filing, better notice, and reduced labor and recording costs.” See Bill Analysis at http://bit.ly/enj6R. The consumer benefits from “immediate filing.” Id. The title company benefits from “reduced losses due to gaps in filing.” Id. Clearly, an electronic system provides a more seamless system with less room for errors or problems than a system that relies upon certified or overnight mail and bureaucrats shuffling unending stacks of paper.
To read H.B. 3073, go to http://bit.ly/31Zg38.

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