Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Is The Ideal Texas Title Company?

The following story reminds me of a “priest, rabbi and a minister” joke, but it is a true story about Texas title companies and how they differentiate their very commoditized products and services nonetheless. However, it shed new light on what the ideal Texas title company does or should be doing for its clients within the highly regulated framework created by the Texas Department of Insurance.

A mortgage company is having their weekly meeting in which they invite current and prospective vendors in to solicit the mortgage company’s business. On this occasion, three Texas title company representatives are there to try to earn the mortgage company’s business for their respective title company. When the first Texas title company representative has the opportunity to give his spiel, he states, “The price of Texas title insurance is fixed by the Department of Insurance, so the bulk of the fees charged by all Texas title companies is the same generally, so the way we differentiate our title company is in our customer service”. The second Texas title company representative has his chance next, and asserts, “The first Texas title company representative is correct in what he says that there are very little differences in what Texas title companies charge, and so customer service is what sets us apart. And that is why our title company’s customer service is second to none”. It was now the third Texas title company representative’s turn to give his pitch. The loan officers are waiting for him to say something—anything—interesting and different from what the first two said. Instead, the third Texas title company representative says, “The first two Texas title company representatives have said it best. I have nothing further to add”.

In my head, this story is comical, but the reality. I actually agree with all three Texas title company representatives that it all comes down to customer service: they are all correct. But how are mortgage and real estate professionals supposed to see the difference between Texas title companies and their varying degrees of “good customer service”? I ask myself this question constantly because differentiation is always important when clients have a choice in who they use.

At Griffin Law Firm, which is a fee office for a major Texas title company, we know we haven’t thought of everything and every tool we can be providing for our clients. There will always be more ideas to come. We also know that the ability to fulfill the needs of our clients comes from engaging with them and building strong relationships with them in order to know what voids could be filled. That being said, we have some very clear ideas of what sets us apart from other Texas title companies that goes beyond the usual dog and pony show. This may not be the silver bullet that meets all your needs, but I believe it gives us a good foundation from which to start. We are always willing to listen and always asking why. We want to be the Texas title company that is on your team.

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